We are excited to announce the launch of the Lake Tahoe TMDL Online Interface! EI worked closely with the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection and Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board to develop and launch the site which will serve as the central online platform for gathering and disseminating information related to the Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). On the TMDL Online Interface, users can gain access tools and manuals, observe the progress of implementation efforts in all source categories, and provide input that will help to improve the effectiveness of implementation efforts.
The TMDL Online Interface is a critical piece of the EI’s Lake Tahoe TMDL Management System Project. This project is currently pilot testing an adaptive management system that enables the TMDL Program to consistently report accomplishments, identity and better respond to challenges and act on relevant research findings or technical information that warrant an adjustment to the Lake Tahoe TMDL. For more information on the Lake Tahoe TMDL Management System Project please visit our projects page.
Regional Environmental Accounting Reporting Platform
The TMDL Online Interface is the second website to be released on the new Regional Environmental Accounting Reporting Platform. This platform is being developed by EI to allow innovative environmental programs to quickly and cost-effectively develop interactive websites. Check out the Central Valley Habitat Exchange Website for another example of this platform in action. More information about the platform to come.