Nav Bhattarai serves as a Program Manager for EI’s Latin America and Caribbean Environmental Support Services Contract (LAC ESSC). He brings over 15 years of client-facing and business management experience particularly in the areas of customer relationship management, business operations management, business logistics, project management, and budget analysis, management, and forecasting.
Prior to joining Environmental Incentives, Nav managed two small businesses and became proficient at building and maintaining professional relationships with clients, partners, vendors, and stakeholders. His past experience managing clients, consultants, and subcontractors and project management training have proven valuable as he manages various project related duties for LAC ESSC.
Nav aspires to use his business, environmental, and project management background to make a lasting impact in the way international development agencies and NGO’s deliver services. His experience growing up in Nepal, witnessing the incredible contributions of these agencies and organizations, has always been a source of inspiration and contributed to his deep passion for the environment and bio-conservation. At the same time, Nav has also witnessed the inefficiencies and redundancies common to the field. He believes that by applying proven program management principles and by utilizing innovations to better share data across various channels, we can help make a greater impact on the ground where it is most needed.