Environmental Incentives is pleased to share that we will be leading a team along with our partners Geosyntec and SGA Marketing, to expand the County of San Diego’s Watershed Rebates Program in support of its stormwater compliance goals.
EI will implement pilot projects offering residents and businesses technical assistance and financial incentives that will help improve local water quality and reduce water use. These projects, including installing sustainable landscaping and weather–based irrigation controllers, rainwater harvesting strategies, permeable pavement, and agricultural efficiency upgrades, will help the County make tangible progress towards cleaner, safer waterways, and healthy stream ecosystems. EI will provide technical assistance to develop new incentives and support new partnerships that will enable property owners to save money by stacking rebates from the County and other regional incentive programs. In addition to producing water quality benefits, these projects will produce multiple benefits for communities and property owners, including increased water supply reliability, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and improved household affordability.
Prior to launching the pilot, EI and the County of San Diego identified high-potential best management practices through a feasibility analysis to identify those practices that are attractive to property owners and effective at improving water quality. Engaging private property owners in stormwater and runoff management is increasingly attractive to stormwater managers, as it can achieve water quality benefits more rapidly and cost-effectively than capital improvement projects. EI’s proven performance-driven approach to program design is helping the County rapidly prototype and launch viable approaches to incentivizing property owners and to then expand successful elements to produce multiple benefits for water quality. For more information on our performance-driven approach, click here.