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Environmental Incentives Leading Stormwater Public-Private Partnership Feasibility Study

Environmental Incentives has been selected to lead a team that includes Geosyntec Consultants and Corvias to conduct the Stormwater Public-Private Partnership Feasibility Study for the State of Washington’s Department of Commerce. The project will explore the feasibility of establishing a community-based pubic private partnership pilot program in Washington. If community-based public private partnerships are established, they may accelerate progress toward meeting stormwater requirements and needs.

The effort will conduct an analysis to examine the legislative feasibility of a pilot program, assess potential barriers and risks, and propose potential solutions to overcome those risks. Based on the analysis, the project team will provide the State of Washington a recommendation of the scope and structure of a pilot program.

“Environmental Incentives looks forward to this partnership because it can enhance the environmental return on investment and reduce compliance costs for stormwater permittees in Washington. We are thrilled for the opportunity to apply our stormwater financing and program design experience gained in federally supported procurement research and project work in Southern California and the Mid-Atlantic,” said Chad Praul, lead for Environmental Incentives’ Water Practice.


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