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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Despite progress toward improved water and sanitation access, the global community is falling short in efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6. Furthermore, climate shocks threaten program sustainability. In the face of these setbacks, we mobilize stakeholders to address the complex systems involved in delivering water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services to create long-term impact.

Our Approach

Our WASH services are aimed at helping our clients adaptively manage and implement their programs with sustainability at the core. We bring together and build the capacity of stakeholders and institutions to improve systems for the long-term. In partnership with our clients, we help them apply and share knowledge and learning from their programming and effectively communicate with stakeholders to create buy-in and ensure investments in WASH have lasting impact on the sector.

Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening

Building individual and institutional capacity across the WASH sector is key to achieve program sustainability and effectiveness. Through targeted training and personalized support, we equip our clients with the latest evidence around collective action methodologies, qualitative monitoring tools, and promising approaches that they need to create impact and innovate. By grounding our support in evidence-driven approaches, we enable long-term impact and help our clients find solutions that last well beyond the life of an individual program.

Collective Action Approaches

Stakeholder Engagement

Centering local voices and priorities is essential to developing sustainable, community-owned programs. Through iterative processes—such as engaging local voices through co-design of activities or in sense-making and validation around program findings—we amplify stakeholder perspectives to build a shared vision of success and transparently account for trade-offs. The result is successful collaboration that generates responsive, sustainable outcomes.

 Lessons in Gender and WASH

Knowledge Management, Learning, and Information Sharing

Accessible and actionable knowledge is a critical asset in the WASH sector. For our clients, applying and sharing knowledge is fundamental to adaptively managing programs, improving project outcomes, and demonstrating successes to stakeholders. We assist our clients in developing and implementing strategic communications plans for capturing, analyzing, and disseminating knowledge generated through their programs. We also facilitate effective communication with stakeholders through message frameworks and stakeholder profile development, ensuring that information is shared to generate buy-in and advance the sector.

Learning from the Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership

Our Impact

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