Environmental Incentives is looking forward to sharing our expertise in developing sustainable solutions during the 2020 California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) virtual conference. EI staff and partners will be driving the dialogue around some specific themes throughout the event on September 15 and 16.
Each year, CASQA is a moment of reflection and discussion for California stormwater practitioners who must effectively manage stormwater in complex local contexts, including changing climate conditions and fast-growing urban areas. Stormwater managers recognize they must oversee stormwater as an essential community resource, while also managing its impacts. As we look to the future, sustainable stormwater management will include supplementing water supplies, protecting water quality for all, and supporting healthy stream ecosystems.
Municipalities, regulators, entrepreneurs, and service providers will gather online next week to “envision the future” when the management of stormwater resources balances human and ecological needs. We hope you’ll attend our staff and partner sessions. We can’t wait to see to see you there!
Mark Your Calendar
Developing performance metrics for implementing watershed plans and getting credit
Assessing the impact of watershed protection programs is critical to our work. However, current reporting requirements are typically burdensome for permittees who must invest significant resources producing thousand-page reports with limited use. Based on success in other parts of the country, organizations in Southern California are considering a new approach that uses metrics to focus all parties on the work that matters most. As permits are reconsidered in the coming years, permittees have a window of opportunity to engage regulators and rethink how they plan, track, and report on watershed programs. Don’t miss our presentation on ways your municipality can adopt a more focused approach to planning and reporting.
- Tuesday from 11-11:30 a.m. – EI’s Chad Praul, Stephanie Gaines of County of San Diego, and Grant Sharp of Orange County will present a new approach to annual reporting and performance measures.
Exploring new partnerships to leverage stormwater investments
Last year’s CASQA included numerous sessions on alternative funding and partnership strategies, such as pay for performance contracting and community-based partnership structures. Where these strategies have taken off, stormwater managers are reporting new funding sources, reduced costs due to competition, and innovation from partners. EI is thrilled that more of this year’s sessions are providing practical examples of these approaches and user-friendly resources practitioners can put to work right away.
- Tuesday at 4 p.m.– Chad Praul will share a new guidebook for municipalities considering implementing a Community-Based P3.
- Wednesday at 8:30 a.m.– Our partners at Geosyntec will present on innovative project delivery practices pioneered by LA County to support the Green Stormwater Infrastructure Program.
- Wednesday at 4 p.m.– Our partners from Geosyntec and Orange County will participate in a panel on Collaboration Between Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Agencies to Support Watershed-Based Approaches in South Orange County.
Engaging private properties to advance water quality goals
Programs that more directly engage private properties are emerging as an attractive solution for municipalities seeking to meet challenging compliance targets with limited resources. Helping private property owners better manage stormwater can help permittees cost-effectively achieve water quality benefits and minimize land acquisition costs, while simultaneously increasing community engagement and public awareness. EI is working with municipal partners to explore how programs targeting private properties, including rebate and incentives and off-site compliance programs, can help support compliance, build community resilience, and open the door to partnerships built around the multiple benefits of water quality strategies.
- Wednesday at 9 a.m.– EI’s Megan Chery and Jamie Milani of County of San Diego will present the findings of research on Best Management Practices for a Rebates and Incentives Program
- Wednesday at 9:30 a.m.– Our partners at the City of Paso Robles will share a glimpse of the Off-Site Alternative Compliance Plan we are developing with them.