
Molly McKeon

Senior Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation Advisor

Areas of Expertise

  • Program Design
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

Education & Certifications

  • M.A., International Environmental Policy, Middlebury Institute of International Studies
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Molly is the Senior Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation Advisor with USAID’s Improving Design, Evidence and Learning (IDEAL) mechanism, which provides support for all stages of the Program Cycle for biodiversity and climate change programming at the Agency.

Molly brings over a decade of experience working on international development issues – first as a Peace Corps volunteer and later as an implementer for biodiversity, sustainable landscapes, and natural resource management projects for USAID and other donors. In her three years with the USAID Program Cycle Mechanism, Molly supported strategy design and organizational capacity development efforts at USAID Missions around the world. She is a champion for shock-responsive and adaptive programming with experience in scenario planning and conflict sensitive design. She speaks French and Chinese.

Molly strongly believes in the value of elevating diverse voices and engaging communities in strategic planning for development to better help people and protect the planet.

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