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Community-Based Public-Private Partnerships

Green Infrastructure


  • North America



The Challenge

With limited resources available, state and local governments face challenges implementing, funding, and maintaining stormwater infrastructure. To tackle this challenge, Washington State was interested in exploring new models and partnerships to accelerate progress towards water quality and community goals.

The Solution

Community-Based Public-Private Partnerships (CBP3s) help communities make the most of limited resources by partnering with the private sector to implement green infrastructure projects that improve water quality and quality of life for their residents. In a CBP3, the public partner funds the project(s) while the private partner delivers the project(s), allowing for innovation in project design, cost efficiency, and shared risk. In addition to stormwater and water quality improvements, CBP3s are intended to provide additional community benefits such as economic growth, job creation, health, education, and recreation opportunities.

The Outcomes

Environmental Incentives and partners developed a Guidebook for local governments in Washington State to design and implement CBP3s and performance-based contracts in order to more effectively achieve stormwater and community objectives. The Guidebook provides resources for stormwater managers to better navigate the range of legal, financial, and performance management considerations associated with developing CBP3s. The Guidebook provides direction and resources to support local governments through the exploration, design, and implementation of a CBP3, with the ultimate goal of increasing the proliferation of clean water and healthy communities across the state.

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