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U.S. Geological Survey Selects Monarch Conservation Science Partnership for Natural Resource Conservation Achievement Award

The U.S. Geological Survey selected the Monarch Conservation Science Partnership to receive the Natural Resource Conservation Achievement Award (NRCAA) in the category of Trail Blazer. The Partnership, which includes a consortium of scientists and conservation professionals from government agencies, universities, and non-profits, was recognized for demonstrating “exemplary service by establishing effective multi-agency collaboration to address the alarming rate of Monarch Butterfly species decline.” 

Erik Anderson supported members of the Monarch Conservation Science Partnership through the development of innovative programs including the Rights-of-Way Pollinator Scorecard and the Monarch Butterfly Habitat Exchange. Erik worked in support of the collaborative spirit of the Partnership to ensure consistency in how habitat is assessed for monarchs and other pollinators across multiple programs and initiatives. For a species like the monarch butterfly that migrates thousands of miles across three countries, consistency is critical to allow range-wide understanding of population status and trends, share learning across practitioners, and find the most important opportunities for conservation.  

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